It was a quiet week, involving a couple of trips to the supermarket, but little else beyond Amazon deliveries. We are still locked down entirely, with curfew. The days somewhat flew by, occupied with a busy working week, truth be told. However, I did manage to grab the camera for a couple of snaps, but I would be lying if I didn’t say I didn’t spend a few minutes wondering what I was going to take a photo of… looking for inspiration. Ideally the plan of this series is to publish once per week some photo(s) from that week; but this was one of those weeks of low shutter clicks.
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The weather’s been almost constant rain, and there’s nowhere to go, anyway. I could drive somewhere and go for a walk, but my car battery is in the living room as it died long ago. I do need to move the car before it gets stuck to the floor of the garage, but I will wait for the rain to stop and then go for a longer drive. There was a Saharan dust event yesterday, that perhaps I should have photographed, but I was inside trying to make some electrical modifications and ended up having to get some standing floor lamps to that I could see what I was doing. It was like an eclipse. The view out of the window was just cloud and an orange tint.
I’ve been doing some hardware modifications to video game controllers, listening to music, playing the games. Things like that. I may post some photos/reviews/how to on the site, but that would be separate to the weekly “unthemed” theme.