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I took the car out for a spin on Sunday, taking an old route from the centre of the Black Forest down into Switzerland. It’s a much more interesting drive than the Autobahn, even though it’s restricted to 100 kph. TBH I find little fun in going super fast for extended periods of time, and the curves and corners of the black forest are worthy of a detour.

There are plenty of smaller roads much better for touring, but the old B500 (Bundestrasse 500) runs all the way from Baden-Baden to the Swiss border and is colloquillay referred to as the Schwazwaldhochstrasse.

  • 1032 meters / 3385 meters above sea level

  • B500 between Baden-Baden and Waldshut Tiengen in Germany - 233 kilometre / 145 Miles

Arguably the best stretch of the road is further North than my route yesterday, but there’s still some epic scenery to take in. Such as the shot below when I was behind a motorbike tour, the Alps rising above the clouds in the background, and a power station in Switzerland pushing its exhaust through the boundary layer. A photo doesn’t really show the scale of the scene, but I hope it conveys the feeling somewhat.

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