View fullsize !["Red sky in the morning, shepherds warning" | RX1 | 1/200s f/2.0 ISO100 35mm](/assets/images/583f6-image-asset.jpeg)
"Red sky in the morning, shepherds warning" | RX1 | 1/200s f/2.0 ISO100 35mm

Autumn is here, it’s official. We’ve had a relatively warm September, and until now, a very (relatively) warm October. On Saturday, everything changed. A huge cold front approaching from the west, covered the whole UK in rain and dropped temperatures by almost 10ºC. 

Here’s a little bit of English lore; “Red sky in the morning, shepherds warning”. This phrase means that we should take heed (or rather, start worrying about sheep) as a red sky in the morning means that rain is on its way. This is because the red sky is caused by the scattering of dust & aerosols in in a high pressure (good) weather system. However, at sunrise those of us in the northern hemisphere look east (to where the high pressure is) this means that the good weather has passed—making way for a wet and windy low pressure system.

And the lore was right.

This was the view from the panoramic roof of my car, not long after…

View fullsize ![HTC One (M7)  | 1/210s f/2.0 ISO125 3.82mm ](/assets/images/43026-20140924-2014-09-2408.37.21-htcone.jpg)
HTC One (M7)  | 1/210s f/2.0 ISO125 3.82mm