By Any Other Name
We set out on Sunday afternoon, cameras in hand, with no real purpose other than to enjoy a good walk. I decided I’d muscle-up, and carry the A7R with Tamron 90mm macro lens, as I’ve not used this combo much at all. The field of view offered my a 90mm lens is noticeably tighter than lenses around 50mm. Shutter speed plays an ever important role. Furthermore, in order to freeze motion/not blur the shot, one’s hands must be steady. I decided to stick on the vertical grip (VG-C1EM) to further assist me in stability with some additional weight, and also to allow me to shoot vertically more comfortably.
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This is a crop of the photo above, which is now the wallpaper on my phone.
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” – Romeo and Juliet*
It’s amazing how similar some things in nature can look. Check out this poppy – it looks almost exactly like a sea anemone.
It’s easy to assume that the conditions are not windy until you get down to this level… when absolutely everything is moving as if in a gale. This resulted not exactly getting the framing I wanted, but otherwise, I rather like the shot.
Luckily, the light was strong enough (in select places) to shoot without flash. Which was just as well, as I didn’t have one with me.
An elderly couple tottered past me when I was taking this photo of the grass, and wondered what on earth I was doing – they thought they were whispering in a secret language, but alas, this foreigner knows a little Japanese!
The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed the lack of vertical photos in this series. I’m definitely more comfortable shooting in landscape orientation, and the vertical grip still helps with that. However, a couple of vertical shots from yesterday did make it through my culling procedures, but will be posted another time in the near future (due to different subject matter).
*Yes, they do smell as sweet. In Japanese, “rose” is バラ (bara).