Minato Mirai – JPGU 2014
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The Pacifico Conference Centre in Yokohama was the destination for this year’s Japanese Geophysical Union (JPGU) meeting, and the torrential rain from the last couple of days subsided, and made for a very pleasant day by the coast.
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Armed with my trusty RX1, I went for a stroll at lunch to the nearby fairground. I didn’t have long, but the light was really quite special. Super strong winds blew the clouds away, though somehow the humidity persisted all-day long.
Frizzy hair was the theme of JPGU 2014.
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I’d last used the RX1 to take some very unimportant photos for work, and it was set to shoot 5MP JPEGs. Oops.
Frequent readers will note that I only shoot in RAW (when I remember), though with JPEGs this good, I wonder why I bother.
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The answer is that I want the best from the camera (also, I like to have some wiggle-room, if needed).
As for the conference itself, it was pretty good (though a day of presentations in scientific Japanese is quite mentally draining). My poster session didn’t finish until 7:30pm, so here’s one final shot of the ferris wheel all lit up, as I made my way back to the station.
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