View fullsize ![RX1 1/100s f/8.0 ISO100 35mm](/assets/images/3b89b-20140415-_dsc2925-dsc-rx1.jpg)
RX1 1/100s f/8.0 ISO100 35mm

It was one of those non-stop weeks. You know the kind; at times, it felt as though I was on autopilot. A busy week at work, coupled with meeting up with people after work for food and drinks, leaves very little time left to do anything else, where you’re kind of caught in limbo.

View fullsize ![In limbo | A7r & Jupiter-9 | 1/200s f/2.0 ISO100 85mm](/assets/images/3de6e-image-asset.jpeg)
In limbo | A7r & Jupiter-9 | 1/200s f/2.0 ISO100 85mm

Though I was taking photos throughout the week, I didn’t even download them from my SD card until yesterday morning.

View fullsize ![Smokey | A7R & CV Nokton 40mm F1.4 | 1/60s f/1.4 ISO4000 40mm](/assets/images/eefb3-20140421-dsc00741-ilce-7r.jpg)
Smokey | A7R & CV Nokton 40mm F1.4 | 1/60s f/1.4 ISO4000 40mm

I met up with a very pleasant chap by the name of Cristian, who is currently in Japan as part of his world tour (check out his excellent blog here). For this leg of the journey, he is travelling with his girlfriend, and we met up on a rainy evening on the set of Blade Runner, so I could show them some [relatively] secret camera shops, and for a bite to eat and a few beers.

It was very nice to discuss photography, travel, and numerous other topics with like-minded people. I hope they really enjoy Japan, and I’m planning to meet up again with Cristian when he returns to Tokyo in a few weeks.

View fullsize ![A7r & Jupiter-3 | 1/400s f/1.5 ISO100 50mm](/assets/images/e9782-20140422-dsc00743-ilce-7r.jpg)
A7r & Jupiter-3 | 1/400s f/1.5 ISO100 50mm

I have the Voigtländer Nokton Classic 35mm F1.4 lens, which I liked on the NEX-7 and love on the A7r. Cristian had the 40mm F1.4, which is essentially the same lens with elements slightly further apart to give a narrower field of view. It would be very easy to mistake these two lenses for one another, as they are almost identical. I do prefer the slightly shorter 35mm lens (and corresponding field of view), but I did not have the 40mm long enough to properly test it. The 40mm variant tend to get better reviews around the net, as the 35/1.4 is something of a marmite* lens.

View fullsize ![A7r & Jupiter-3 | 1/2500s f/1.5 ISO100 50mm ](/assets/images/d2dce-20140422-dsc00744-ilce-7r.jpg)
A7r & Jupiter-3 | 1/2500s f/1.5 ISO100 50mm 

In today’s post, I’m only getting up to last Tuesday morning with respect to the photos, so I still have quite a few more to come! Ideally I’d have downloaded the photos and written individual posts throughout the week, but there wasn’t really much time. Any spare time I did have, I decided I wanted to be taking photos, rather than look at them on computer screens.

View fullsize ![A7r & Jupiter-3 | 1/200s f/1.5 ISO100 50mm](/assets/images/d2905-20140422-dsc00745-ilce-7r.jpg)
A7r & Jupiter-3 | 1/200s f/1.5 ISO100 50mm

I have a couple of lens reviews waiting in the wings, so once I’m happy enough with those, I’ll get them published. Rather than a completely technical report, I would like to give more of a user report, including lots of “real life” photos. I’ll explain all this in due course, but in the mean time, enjoy the rest of your weekend!

*For non British readers, if something is said to be “marmite”, it means that most people will either love it, or hate it, as is the case with the yeast-based food marmite.