We’ve lived here, in Setagaya ward’s Sakurajosui, for over three years now. And for a few weeks each year, its name’s been very apt. As predicted, Sunday was a wash-out. Huge amounts of rain, and howling winds kept us to the confines of our apartment. For a couple of days now, I’ve been nursing a heavy cold, but took my camera with my when I went to get some fresh air, and replenish supplies.

View fullsize ![Sony A7r, and the Voigtländer Nokton Classic 35mm F1.4 wide open at f/1.4](/assets/images/8abd3-image-asset.jpeg)
Sony A7r, and the Voigtländer Nokton Classic 35mm F1.4 wide open at f/1.4

Sakurajosui, written 桜上水 - and yes, I can write that by hand ✌(◕‿-)✌  - literally means cherry-blossoms above water.

As I walked to the shops, I would pass over blossom-embossed manhole covers, with the draining water from the weekend still clearly audible. 

View fullsize ![See the dragon?](/assets/images/15d4e-image-asset.jpeg)
See the dragon?

The blossoms are simply everywhere. In winter, one never notices sakura, as they’re just dark, bare trees. Likewise, in the summer, they’re just a huge mass of green. There are hundreds planted around Tokyo, and viewing them in peace and quiet makes a nice change to the tour de force that is Japanese hanami (flower viewing) in the larger parks.

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This set of shots was taken whilst wandering around the residential backstreets close to our apartment, on my way to the shops.

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For Part 1, my weapon of choice was the Sony A7r, mounted with the Voigtländer Nokton Classic 35mm F1.4.

View fullsize ![Sony A7r and the Voigtländer Nokton Classic 35mm F1.4 at f/8](/assets/images/d4086-image-asset.jpeg)
Sony A7r and the Voigtländer Nokton Classic 35mm F1.4 at f/8

I’m somewhat familiar with the 35mm focal length, due in part to using an RX1 as my main camera for a considerable time. I have found the 35mm focal length to be something of a natural fit for me. It allows enough width, yet details are only a step or two away. I’ve still got a lot to learn, though.

View fullsize ![The same tree as the shot above, but shot "wide open" at f/1.4, with solar flare left in. Which do you prefer?](/assets/images/3eca2-image-asset.jpeg)
The same tree as the shot above, but shot "wide open" at f/1.4, with solar flare left in. Which do you prefer?

In Part 2, I’ll present images from the A7R with a slightly narrower field of view…