View fullsize ![Pond-skating | NEX-7 & Tamron SP 90mm F2.8 Macro | 90mm f/4 1/160s ISO160 ](/assets/images/8f8a2-20131103-dsc07877.jpg)
Pond-skating | NEX-7 & Tamron SP 90mm F2.8 Macro | 90mm f/4 1/160s ISO160 

I’ve always been fascinated by pond-skaters.  They seem to defy the laws of physics, though they are perhaps merely ambassadors. The overcast skies made for an almost liquid-metal backdrop for this photo. Was this photo easy to take? No. He was up there with the butterfly shot in terms of difficulty.

He was very fast, and rested for a second or two between darting to the next position. I had my manual focus 90mm F2.8 lens attached to my NEX-7, and though focus peaking is helpful, I really had to zoom in to be able to make my best guess. The  photo above is almost a 100% crop from the ISO100 NEX-7 file. I was quite happy with the result!

A continued theme of surface tension woke us up early on Sunday morning, with an M5.5 earthquake (epicentre just north of Tokyo). As always, it’s a humbling reminder of our place in this world, and we’re treading on thin ice.

View fullsize ![No lie-in for you, Tokyo!](/assets/images/3390a-20131110074647395-100738.png)
No lie-in for you, Tokyo!