
I was distracted from my work for a few minutes by a couple of pigeons on the railings outside my office. When I first heard the tweets, I was expecting a sparrow or something. I gently pried apart the blinds to reveal a pair of pigeons (probably) discussing the best way to exit the atrium. One of them was clearly a squab, and was mainly responsible for the bulk of the commotion. 



#block-8e29be0b280f91dbb604 .sqs-gallery-block-grid .sqs-gallery-design-grid { margin-right: -0px; } #block-8e29be0b280f91dbb604 .sqs-gallery-block-grid .sqs-gallery-design-grid-slide .margin-wrapper { margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; }

The image on the right is a 100% crop from the image on the left. Impressive stuff!

View fullsize ![You're doing it wrong](/assets/images/d6a07-dsc0504.jpg)
You're doing it wrong

Mother (I know nothing of pigeon parental rights) was trying to nudge her offspring off the railing. That’s what the fuss was about. The squabbling squab, clearly annoyed at mum, tried to call her bluff by pretending to fly into the balcony instead. After much heated debate, they were off.

I wonder if they made their way back home when he learned to fly?