View fullsize ![Pollen | Sony NEX-7 & SEL30F35 | 1/400s f/8.0 ISO100 30mm](/assets/images/7d1d4-20130708-dsc05920.jpg)
Pollen | Sony NEX-7 & SEL30F35 | 1/400s f/8.0 ISO100 30mm

I rarely use my macro lens outside of the house, probably as its 30mm focal length is duplicated by the smaller and slightly faster sigma lens. I’m not sure which lens is officially sharper, but I’ve found the sigma to be extremely capable. Having said that, the Sony macro lens for E-mount is very sharp, and has a minimum focussing distance of ~1cm - useless for shy animals, but great for plants and food.

Anyway, the above photo is a crop from a handheld shot of a flower (click it for a larger file). I saw the flowers at the side of the road, and wanted to take a photo to show my brother the resolving power of the NEX-7 vs his Galaxy S3. His phone took a great photo, but only when I digitally zoomed in on the flower did we notice a small insect atop the pollen! We struggled to make out the insect with our eyes!