A nice big glass of ice-cold orange juice is a refreshing way to start the day. The little remote is for my Sony digital photo frame which sits below our TV, cycling through many, many photos I’ve taken since moving to Japan. I was never keen on digital photo frames when they first appeared, because most look like crap. This Sony one is sleek and modern looking, with a great screen. Its glowing Sony logo can be turned off, too; a nice touch.
I was asked about the “wide open” [maximum aperture] performance of the Sigma 30mm F2.8, so I took this photo wide open. I’ve included a few 100% crops below, so you can judge its performance for yourself. Personally, I love this lens… and it’s a complete bargain! The bokeh isn’t as nice as the Zeiss 24/1.8 in my opinion, and its microcontrast is a little less intense. It is sharp wide open, though. The Zeiss 24/1.8 is sharp wide open (at f/1.8), and at f/2.8 the Zeiss is extremely sharp, but retains its great bokeh. The Zeiss is 24/1.8 and the Sigma 30/2.8, so they’re often compared, but they’re essentially, completely different :)
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