![Bubby's | NEX-7 & Canon nFD 50mm F1.4| 50mm, f/4, 1/60, ISO250, RAW](/assets/images/image-asset.jpeg)
_Bubby's | NEX-7 & Canon nFD 50mm F1.4| 50mm, f/4, 1/60, ISO250, RAW_

Firstly, I’d like to apologise to anyone receiving a huge amount of emails from my site over the last week. I’ve had a problem with Wordpress plugins, which resulted in my site’s server actually being shut down numerous times. Totally suspended without any access; I’m currently looking at my options to avoid this in the future. Part of my plan involves changing server, and completely changing the look of the site to a more modern theme. Stay tuned!

I’ve never actually been to New York, but I’ve had New-York style foods all over the world. Bagels, cheesecakes, pies, coffee… a whole manner of tastiness can be found inside Bubby’s. There’s one in Yokohama (the one we went to) and one in central Tokyo. Check them out if you have time!

At this point, I’d like to recommend the excellent blog by Alex Irmscherdybydy-phtgrphy”, as Alex has recently been to New York. Please checkout his excellent photos.