Sakura on the Meguro River
This could only really be Japan…
Continuing our weekend of cherry blossom viewing, we went on a Sunday afternoon walk down the Meguro River, from Nakameguro to Ikejiriohashi.
We went with the knowledge that the blossoms are lit up at night, but we were not prepared for the visual feast which awaited us.
We arrived before dusk, with the continual weekend theme of cloud, but were greeted by the most vibrant and unique sites of this year thus far.
Thousands of people walked the streets, eating, drinking, taking photos, laughing, and generally having a great time. Quite a contrast to our picnic on Saturday, it made for a lovely Sunday afternoon walk.
As the light fell, the lanterns began to pop out from between the voluminous blossoms.
Twilight is short in Japan, and it was soon pitch black, with only the lanterns to guide us.
We finished off the evening with a hearty soup, bringing the weekend to a relaxing close.
These photos are all from RAW images taken with my NEX-7 and either Voitgtlander Nokton Classic 35mm F1.4 or Canon FDn 50mm F1.4. I hope you like the photos :)