
Happy White Day │ NEX-7 & SEL24F18Z │ 24mm, ISO 200, f/4, 1/60, RAW

What girl doesn’t like being woken up with a little card and box of chocs? Charlie certainly seemed pretty happy this morning! Though she’d forgotten that today was White Day, I certainly hadn’t. I’d previously written that on the 14th Feb, girls are to give their loved ones a card (and maybe some chocolates), but that on the 14th of March, the boys reciprocate with a [larger] box of chocolates. Here, however, the men don’t get the women a card. I guess cards are too girly? Well, after much searching, I found one, nevertheless.

Rubbery card!

The term sanbai gaeshi (三倍返し, “thrice the return”) is used to describe this rule. Not returning the gift is perceived as the men placing himself in a position of superiority, even if excuses are given. Returning a present of equal value is considered as a way to say that you are ending the relationship.

I think Charlie knows the score ;)