
Lens: 16mm SEL16F28 Wide Angle Lens Camera: NEX-C3, ISO 1600, f/2.8, -3.0, 1/15, RAW

Late this afternoon in Tokyo, there was a huge thunderstorm. The evenings are drawing in, day by day. These days, it’s pretty dark by about 6pm (though sunrise is still before I’m awake). On my way home from the office tonight, I noticed this reflection in the puddles of one of the spotlights.

The spotlight reflected the green in the ‘black’ asphalt, whilst everything else around was almost colourless. I quickly snapped this RAW with my Sony NEX-C3 and 16mm prime, wide open at f/2.8, ISO 1600. I’m forever impressed with the low-light capabilities of the NEX-C3 as its 16MP APS-C sensor is basically noise-less.