Held Tenda Tail/Tank Bag Review
I‘d been in the market for a tank bag every since I had a bike… and knew they existed. I didn‘t that tank bags were even a thing—I‘d only ever noticed the large BMW GS type panniers aside ADV bikes and so on. Never noticed anything on the tank. When my girlfriend showed me her collection of magnetised tank bags, I was hooked, and needed one of my own.
I didn‘t find one quickly, mind you. I didn‘t want just any old bag, and as I enjoy going “full tuck“ on my bike, I opted for a Q-bag (they make bike gear) backpack instead. It’s really, really good. Lots of room for laptop, camera and lenses, drink bottles, towels, change of clothes… it’s a great bag. Lots of pockets. Good stuff.
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However, I wanted something bike-mountable that would leave my body free of any excess weight or lack of motion, and also something that didn’t look too shit.
I’d seen a bike with a tank bag strapped to the tail (where a pillion usually sits) and thought it was a good idea. I googled (you know how it is, weeks of research) for suitable bags and came across this one manufactured by the very well known, reputable, and thus expensive “Held”.
I really liked the taper of the bag. This really sold it to me over all the other bags I saw. Yes, I lose some internal space to achieve this sleek look… but it expands! From 6L internal storage to 11L with the zips open. Closed, there is plenty of room for a camera, gloves, drinks bottle, go pro, wallet, keys… pretty much everything I would want on a single-day tour. For longer tours I’d take the backpack, or even an additional tank-bag.
There were a few things I didn’t know about this bag before purchase, as it’s not very well advertised or documented online. I’ll try and document its features here:
Two straps for fixing to your seat
Expandable zip compartment (6-to-11L)
There’s a carry strap and also a shoulder strap! This is superb.
There’s a little water cover (makes a good shower cap, too)
Magnets are not included (bit cheap of them IMO)… so I cannot review the tank-bag aspect.
There’s a couple of compartments for stowing valuables etc.
As far as tail bag goes… you don’t notice it’s there, no matter how you’re riding. I also think it looks superb and really goes well with my whole bike.
I’ve not had it long and there’s not a huge amount to say about a bag really, but if you have specific questions, let me know in the comments below.
All photos taken with P30 Pro. Review to follow.